Hurricane Ian Damages Insurance Claims 305-684-6845

The West Coast of Florida took one heck of a hit from Hurricane Jan on September 28th, 2022. The storm increased in both size and strength very rapidly, which amazed even seasoned meteorologists when it made landfall with 150 mph winds. Even minor hurricanes can cause severe damages to homes and property, but something this massive has completely destroyed so many people’s homes. The stress level of those affected by the hurricane is extremely high because many not only have nowhere to live but have also lost their jobs as businesses were decimated as well. The feeling of dread is overwhelming. Some of the stress can be alleviated by contacting a public adjuster as soon as possible after calling your insurance company to inform them you have a claim. The adjuster will be able to deal with the insurance company, and even have outside companies provide estimates for the damage to your home. Let’s face it! Insurance companies are in business to make money, and they do all they can not to pay claims. The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. is ready to help you get the money you deserve to have your home repaired.

Property Insurance Settlements in Fort Myers Beach

It is important to know that the adjusters sent out by the insurance company are paid agents for the insurance company, so they are looking out for the company’s best interest, not yours. Many adjusters will lowball each damage or ignore the damage completely. For example, an insured with damage to a marble portico could receive the repair value as if it were tiled with ceramic. Others will say that the insurance company won’t pay for this particular damage. You need someone working to help you. The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. will guide you through the entire claims process.

Roof Damage Claims in Sanibel Island

One couldn’t even begin to count the number of roofs that were damage and destroyed by Hurricane Ian. The insurance company’s adjusters very well might say that you need a new roof; however, the adjusters never go into the attic to check to see if there was any damage to the roof trusses. This is important to the structural integrity of the house. A good adjuster will go through your home with a fine-toothed comb to ensure all damage has been reported. The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. will ensure that your home is inspected properly.

Hurricane Damage Claims in Cape Coral

The team at The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. provides the necessary help homeowners require while going through the insurance claims process. If Hurricane Ian caused roof damage, water damage, or any type of property damage, don’t sign a settlement agreement without talking to us. You may be leaving money on the table that you are entitled to. Call 305-684-6845 to ensure that you get a fair settlement from your insurance company.