Broken Leaking Pipes Insurance Claims in Boca Raton 305-684-6845

There are few things more frustrating that getting home from a long day at work only to find that there is water all over the floors of your home. Most people automatically think that someone left the water running in one of the sinks or tubs, or that a toilet malfunctioned and caused the flood. In all reality, the most common cause of flooding inside of a home is a broken pipe. Let’s face it. Nobody looks under their sinks, or behind the washer and hot water heater to inspect the condition of the pipes. These are things that very few people do on a regular basis. Most don’t pay any attention to the plumbing until there is a problem. Broken and leaking pipes can cause huge problems. Water leaks can damage cabinets, wood floors, carpeting, trim, wallboard, and even your own personal property. The insurance company will do everything that it can to minimize your claim and pay you the least amount of money possible. Don’t become a victim of your insurance company. You paid for the insurance. You have the right to collect the settlement owed to you. Our expert is the public adjuster who will be in your corner, fighting to get you the biggest settlement possible.

Burst Water Pipe Claims in Boca Raton

Most newer homes do not have metal pipes. They generally have either PVC or CPVC piping for their plumbing. While CPVC is fine for hot water heaters because of its flexibility, it is not the best option for cold water pipes because it is too flexible. CPVC tends to be more fragile that metal or regular PVC pipes. The slightest jolt to the washing machine or push into the pipes under the cabinets can cause a leak that could lead to a catastrophe. Of course, the insurance company will everything it can to deny the claim. The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. will be your champion against the insurance company and fight to get your claim paid quickly and fairly.

Palm Beach County Broken Pipe Claims Assistance

Broken pipes in your home can be problematic enough, but for those who live on the upper level of a condominium complex, it can be even more of a nightmare. Not only will the homeowner’s unit see damage, but damage can very well be sustained by the units or units below it. This can be extremely costly, especially when the insurance company is dragging their feet on your claim. The Best Public Adjuster offers a solid track record of obtaining large settlements for his clients.

Help for Broken Leaking Pipes Claims in Palm Beach County

Our expert cares about homeowners who are given the runaround by their insurance companies. Whether you have a recent claim that you don’t know how to handle, feel you're being shortchanged on your claim, or struggling with an unresolved claim, he is available to help. Call 305-684-6845 to speak with The Best Public Adjuster In The USA, Inc. today.